MDUSD Health
Toilet Training
MDUSD strongly urges parents/guardians to ensure their student, in the general education setting, is fully independent for toileting before attending school, however, we will not deny enrollment. We will allow grace periods in increments of 10 excused absence days for the purpose of completing toilet training.
The definition of fully independent for toileting is that a student:
can arrive at school in undergarments (not pull-ups)
can communicate when they need to use the bathroom
can independently take care of toileting (pull down underpants, sit on toilet or stand at urinal, and empty the bowel or bladder)
can independently manage related hygiene (can access toilet paper, wipe, place used toilet paper in the toilet bowl, flush, pull up underpants without assistance, and wash and dry hands)
We acknowledge that some younger students may have an occasional accident.
Under the Section 504 regulations, at 34 C.F.R. §104.4(a) and (b), no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives Federal financial assistance.
In order to receive assistance with toileting during the school day, a student who does not have an IEP or 504 Plan to address the toileting needs, must provide medical documentation of a medical/psychological diagnosis such as:
A medical problem preventing control of their bladder and/or bowel.
A student who has some sort of documented trauma in their life.
A student who is developmentally disabled.
Once this document is received, the school will convene an Student Support Team (SST) or Section 504 Eligibility meeting to determine if the student has a physical or mental disability which substantially impacts a major life activity related to toileting and what reasonable accommodations or supports are needed to address the needs related to the toileting disability.
If the student requires toileting assistance, the school site team will create a Toileting Management Plan which must include:
Diagnosis and recommendation for Toileting Management Plan from a healthcare provider. (If ointments are required, the family and healthcare provider must complete an MDUSD general medication authorization form).
Parent-provided supplies for toileting which may include pull ups/diapers, or wipes, large ziploc bags for soiled items, two extra changes of clothing.
A schedule/timeline and log that the student will be expected to follow regardless of the class or activity that may be occurring.
The Toileting Management Plan will assist students in changing wet/dirty clothes and guide them in using wet wipes to clean themselves.
Staff are encouraged to show students visual prompts on the wall, and use verbal prompts for toileting with the minimum amount of physical prompting necessary to foster independence.
If a student has had too big of an accident (for example, loose stools) to handle themselves, school staff will encourage the student to clean themselves. If staff do assist the student, then another adult should be present.
Per Contra Costa Communicable Disease Dept, that states “Put soiled clothing, without rinsing, in a plastic bag for parent/guardian to take home.” , school staff are not responsible for washing out soiled clothing. The student will have an opportunity to wash out the clothing before it is secured in a plastic bag for the student to take home.
Parents are expected to adhere to the Toilet Management Plan at home by having toileting routines and encourage hygiene in the home environment.
- Potty Training Reward Chart
- Free+printable+pecs+communication
- Potty Training: How to get the job done-Mayo Clinic Potty Training Posters for Preschool link
- Toileting visual schedule printable free – Google Search
- PECS Visual Communication Card (please provide only the PECS related to toilet training)
- Elmo’s Potty (Video)
- Daniel Tiger’s Stop and Go Potty (Video)